PDC provides training; research; and mentorship in the following areas:
(a) Participatory Development Approaches
- Participatory Techniques for Community Development
- Participatory Learning and Action (PLA/PRA) methodologies
- Management of Community Based Organizations
- Training of Facilitators/Trainers (TOF/TOT) for development workers
- Advocacy and Lobbying
- Gender Mainstreaming in Development
- Peace Building Initiatives, Conflict Resolution and Management
(b) Organizational/Institutional Development
- Organizational Development (OD) Training
- Organizational Capacity Assessment
- Strategic Planning as a Tool for Organizational Growth and Restructuring
- Leadership and Governance in Development
- Training Needs Assessment and Adult centered Curriculum Development
- Mentorship of CBO/INGO
- NGO Management
- Conflict Resolution and Management
- Development of organizational Policies, Systems and Procedures
- Team Building and Communication Skills
- Development of Facilitation Guides and Training Manuals
- Mentorship of Young Development Professionals
(c) Project Design, development and implementation
- Resource Mobilization and Fund raising strategies
- Project Design and Planning using the Logical Framework Analysis (LFA)
- Project Proposal Development
- Project Cycle Management
(d) Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
- Results Based Project Management
- Result Oriented Report Writing
- Rights Based Project Planning
(e) Participatory Research
- Baseline and Feasibility studies
- Operational Research
- Participatory Social Studies
- Micro Enterprise Development
- Micro Savings and Credit Schemes
- Food Security
- Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation
- Functional Adult Literacy
- HIV/AIDS and Development
- Life Skills Training
- Reproductive health trip for Adolescents
- Youth in Leadership and Development
- Youth and Conflicts in Society
- Managing Youth Organizations for Development
- Right based Programming
- Child Rights
- Child Abuse
- Participatory Child Focused Assessment
- Child Protection
- Child Focused Strategic Planning
- Management of community based Health providers' organizations
- Community Based Management of HIV / AIDS
- Community Based Management of water and sanitation
- Community Based Management of Orphaned and Vulnerable children Support Programmes
- Community Based Nutrition, Health and Development